
This is a REST API designed in the context of a task-manager app. It can be configured and tested using an API tool like Postman

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a REST API designed in the context of a task-manager app.


The API serves at the following routes:


desc: Signup
method: POST
desc: Signin
method: POST
desc: Signout
method: POST
desc: Logout from all devices
method: POST
desc: Read profile
method: GET
desc: Update profile
method: PATCH
desc: Delete profile
method: DELETE
desc: Upload an avatar (max. size: 250px x 250px)
method: POST

The response from the above method includes the _id that can be noted as it can be used to access your avatar outside of the API

desc: Delete your avatar
method: DELETE
desc: View your avatar
method: GET

Replace the placeholder id with _id noted earlier.


desc: Post an array of tasks
method: POST
desc: Retrieve tasks (query options: See /src/routers/task.js line 20)
method: GET
desc: Read a task by its _id property
method: GET
desc: Update a task
method: PATCH
desc: Delete a task
method: DELETE


Rename the .env.example file to dev.env and move it to /config/ to configure the app.