
A set of useful operations to extend angular reactive forms.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Table Of Contents

Basic Overview

This project is intended to add some utilities to reactive forms created in angular. This project current provides two main utilities:

  1. A directive to handle basic tasks (smartFormField)
  2. Additional validators.

Smart Field Directive (smartFormField)

This directive essentially makes the field it is bound to aware of the validators registered to it, that being said, this directive automatically handles the following tasks:

  1. Changing the css class of the field to reflect if an error is present.
  2. Displaying of error messages under fields when a validation rule is violated.
  3. Triming of values if the input is of type string. (This can be disabled)
  4. If a field contains empty string, the value will be converted to null. (This can be disabled)

Basic Usage

Import the FormAssistModule into the module where you wish to use it.

import { NgFormAssistModule } from 'ng-form-assist';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Then simply attach the smartFormField directive to any reactive form field. See here for an example. It is possible to configure the behaviour of the directive by passing an object of your custom configurations. Eg

import { NgFormAssistModule } from 'ng-form-assist';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
      applyTrim: true,
      displayValidationMessages: true,
      invalidFieldClass: 'is-invalid',
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

See here for a description of all supported configurations.

Angular Validator Support

This library supports the use of the validators offered out of the box by angular. A default validation message will be automatically displayed. See Form Assist Validators to see how to customize them! Below are the default messages that will be displayed for each default angular validator:

Validator Default Message
required This field is required.
min Value must be greater than or equal to ${MIN_VAL}.
max Value must be less than or equal to ${MAX_VAL}.
maxLength Value entered must be less than or equal to ${MAX_LENGTH} characters.
minLength Value entered must be greater than or equal to ${MIN_LENGTH} characters.
pattern Invalid Input.
email Invalid email.


It is possible to customize the behavior of the smartFormField directive.

Configuration Description Data Type Default
applyTrim Trim the input for string data types. boolean true
displayValidationMessages Display validation messages whenever they are violated. Note: messages are displayed when the validation has been broken and the field has been marked as touched. string true
validationMessageClass The styling class name (css, scss etc) that should be applied to the validation message. string null
invalidFieldClass The styling class name (css, scss etc) that should be applied to the form field when it is in an error state. Note: If no value is specified then this behaviour will be disabled. string null
setBlankToNull Convert the value of empty fields to null. boolean true

Form Assist Validators

This library exports a number of additional validators that you can import and use in your form group. When you use the Validators provided by this library, you will be able to supply the error message that should be displayed. The built-in angular validators have been wrapped and is included in this class, using these instead of the built-in angular validators will allow you to provide your own error messages (under the hood they implement the same logic).


The custom validators are in a class called FormAssistValidators. Below are all the validators that are included:


Validator that requires that the input for both fields specified are equal. The error message appear under the two fields specified. Eg use-case: Validating that passwords match.
This validator must be added at the form group level.
Note: Both fields must be of the same data type for accurate matching.

  • Default Message: Value for ${field1} does not match ${field2}.
Parameter Data type Description Required
field1 string The form control name of field 1. true
field2 string The form control name of field 2. true
message string The error message that should be displayed. false


Validator that requires the control's value to contain atleast 1 lowercase, uppercase, digit and special character.\

  • Default Message: Password must contain atleast 1 lowercase, uppercase, digit and a special character.
Parameter Data type Description Required
message string The error message that should be displayed. true

Note: pass a null value for the message parameter if you wish to use the default message.


Date validator which validates that the input is a date that occurs after the date specified.
Note: For best results ensure that the field input value is of type Date or a date string.

  • Default Message: Date entered must be greater than ${FORMATTED_DATE}.
Parameter Data type Description Required
date Date or valid date string The date to compare the input against. true
message string The error message that should be displayed. false


Date validator which validates that the input is a date that occurs before the date specified.
Note: For best results ensure that the field input value is of type Date or a date string.

  • Default Message: Date entered must be greater than ${FORMATTED_DATE}.
Parameter Data type Description Required
date Date or valid date string The date to compare the input against. true
message string The error message that should be displayed. false


Validate that the field is non empty.

  • Default Message: This field is required.
Parameter Data type Description Required
message string The error message that should be displayed. true

Note: pass a null value for the message parameter if you wish to use the default message.


Validator that requires the input to be greater than or equal to the provided number.

  • Default Message: Value must be greater than or equal to ${MIN_VAL}.
Parameter Data type Description Required
value number The minimum accepted number true
message string The default message that should be displayed. false


Validator that requires the input to be less than or equal to the provided number.

  • Default Message: Value must be less than or equal to ${MAX_VAL}.
Parameter Data type Description Required
value number The max accepted number true
message string The default message that should be displayed. false


Validator that requires the length of the input be less than or equal to the provided number.

  • Default Message: Value entered must be less than or equal to ${MAX_LENGTH} characters.
Parameter Data type Description Required
value number The maximum length true
message string The default message that should be displayed. false


Validator that requires the length of the input be greater than or equal to the provided number.

  • Default Message: Value entered must be less than or equal to ${MIN_LENGTH} characters.
Parameter Data type Description Required
value number The minimum length true
message string The default message that should be displayed. false


Validator that requires the length of the input be greater than or equal to the provided number.

  • Default Message: Invalid input.
Parameter Data type Description Required
pattern string or RegExp The regex pattern to match against. true
message string The error message that should be displayed. false


Email validator

  • Default Message: Invalid email.
Parameter Data type Description Required
message string The error message that should be displayed. true

Note: pass a null value for the message parameter if you wish to use the default message.

Basic Example

In this example we will create a simple reactive form with 2 fields firstName and lastName. In order to demonstrate both the angular validators and the form assist validators, the first name field will use the built in angular Validators while the last name field will use the FormAssistValidators. I will also demonstrate how to add custom error messages.

  1. Creating the reactive form group
const form = new FormGroup({
    firstName: new FormControl('', [Validators.required, Validators.maxLength(30)]),
    lastName: new FormControl('', [
        FormAssistValidators.required('Last name is required.'),
        FormAssistValidators.maxLength(30, 'Last name cannot exceed 30 characters.')
  1. Creating the HTML form and attaching the directive
<form [formGroup]="form">
    <input type="text" formControlName="firstName" class="form-control" smartFormField />
    <input type="text" formControlName="lastName" class="form-control" smartFormField />

At this stage we are essentially finished with our form. Once a validation rule has been broken: the css class for invalid form fields will be applied to the field, and the error message will be displayed.

Vision / TODO

  • Add more comprehensive documentation and examples.
  • Add more validators.
  • Add support for user defined validators.
  • Add more tests.
  • Create an interactive demo.