
Icon pack for ONYX BOOX series devices

Primary LanguagePowerShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Eco Icons

한국어 문서

Icon pack for ONYX BOOX series devices.

Supported icons

All Icons

How to use?

Visit Releases page and download latest zip file. Or you can download directly from here.

After the download,

  1. Extract downloaded zip file
  2. Move all png files to your onyx device's Download/Onyx/icon directory

All png files' path must be like Download/Onyx/icon/MY-ICON.png

  1. Move any app to group and restore it. This is required to refresh icon for ONYX's default launcher.

Using build script

You can also get icons using build script. It is most fastest way to get new icons from this repository.

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install Inkscape
  3. Execute .\build.ps1 (Windows) or ./build.sh (Unix/Linux)
  4. You can find png file of icons from out directory


All kind of contributions are welcome!

If you want to submit new icon design you should to follow below rules.

  • 8px stroke width
  • No licensing issues
  • 10~20% of white space around the icon


All scripts are published under GPLv3.

Some vectors and icons are originally from SVG Repo and modified. You can see all of list from here.