

Primary LanguagePython

SuperYOLO: Super Resolution Assisted Object Detection in Multimodal Remote Sensing Imagery

⭐ This code has been completely released ⭐

⭐ our article

If our code is helpful to you, please cite:

  title={SuperYOLO: Super Resolution Assisted Object Detection in Multimodal Remote Sensing Imagery},
  author={Zhang, Jiaqing and Lei, Jie and Xie, Weiying and Fang, Zhenman and Li, Yunsong and Du, Qian},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.13351},


pip install -r requirements.txt


1. Prepare training data

  • 1.1 In order to realize the SR assisted branch, the input images of the network are downsampled from 1024 x 1024 size to 512 x 512 during the training process. In the test process, the image size is 512 x 512, which is consistent with the input of other algorithms compared.

  • 1.2 Download VEDAI data for our experiment from baiduyun (code: hvi4) google drive.

  • 1.3 Note that we transform the labels of the dataset to be horizontal boxes by transform code. You shoud run transform.py before training the model.

2. Begin to train

python train.py --cfg models/SRyolo_noFocus_small.yaml --super --train_img_size 1024 --hr_input --data data/SRvedai.yaml --ch 4 --input_mode RGB+IR

new fusion method MF

python train.py --cfg models/SRyolo_MF.yaml --super --train_img_size 1024 --hr_input --data data/SRvedai.yaml --ch 64 --input_mode RGB+IR+MF


1. Pretrained Checkpoints

You can use our pretrained checkpoints for test process. Download pre-trained model and put it in here.

Dataset Valiadation Weight mAP20 mAP50
VEDAI fold1 small_EDSR_fold1 0.8252 0.8093
VEDAI fold2 small_EDSR_fold2 0.7053 0.6989
VEDAI fold3 small_EDSR_fold3 0.7241 0.7196
VEDAI fold4 small_EDSR_fold4 0.7749 0.7605
VEDAI fold5 small_EDSR_fold5 0.7448 0.7424
VEDAI fold6 small_EDSR_fold6 0.7525 0.7285
VEDAI fold7 small_EDSR_fold7 0.7010 0.6881
VEDAI fold8 small_EDSR_fold8 0.7662 0.7539
VEDAI fold9 small_EDSR_fold9 0.7374 0.7273
VEDAI fold10 small_EDSR_fold10 0.7479 0.7330
The google drive link is small_EDSR

!!!⭐⭐ The new weight is available at small_EDSR_MF

The google drive link is small_EDSR_MF

2. Begin to test

python test.py --weights runs/train/exp/best.pt --input_mode RGB+IR 

new fusion method MF

python test.py --weights runs/train/exp/best.pt --input_mode RGB+IR+MF


Method Modality Car Pickup Camping Truck Other Tractor Boat Van mAP50 Params. $\downarrow$ GFLOPs $\downarrow$
YOLOv3 IR 80.21 67.03 65.55 47.78 25.86 40.11 32.67 53.33 51.54 61.5351M 49.55
YOLOv3 RGB 83.06 71.54 69.14 59.30 48.93 67.34 33.48 55.67 61.06 61.5351M 49.55
YOLOv3 Multi 84.57 72.68 67.13 61.96 43.04 65.24 37.10 58.29 61.26 61.5354M 49.68
YOLOv4 IR 80.45 67.88 68.84 53.66 30.02 44.23 25.40 51.41 52.75 52.5082M 38.16
YOLOv4 RGB 83.73 73.43 71.17 59.09 51.66 65.86 34.28 60.32 62.43 52.5082M 38.16
YOLOv4 Multi 85.46 72.84 72.38 62.82 48.94 68.99 34.28 54.66 62.55 52.5085M 38.23
YOLOv5s IR 77.31 65.27 66.47 51.56 25.87 42.36 21.88 48.88 49.94 7.0728M 5.24
YOLOv5s RGB 80.07 68.01 66.12 51.52 45.76 64.38 21.62 40.93 54.82 7.0728M 5.24
YOLOv5s Multi 80.81 68.48 69.06 54.71 46.76 64.29 24.25 45.96 56.79 7.0739M 5.32
YOLOv5m IR 79.23 67.32 65.43 51.75 26.66 44.28 26.64 56.14 52.19 21.0659M 16.13
YOLOv5m RGB 81.14 70.26 65.53 53.98 46.78 66.69 36.24 49.87 58.80 21.0659M 16.13
YOLOv5m Multi 82.53 72.32 68.41 59.25 46.20 66.23 33.51 57.11 60.69 21.0677M 16.24
YOLOv5l IR 80.14 68.57 65.37 53.45 30.33 45.59 27.24 61.87 54.06 46.6383M 36.55
YOLOv5l RGB 81.36 71.70 68.25 57.45 45.77 70.68 35.89 55.42 60.81 46.6383M 36.55
YOLOv5l Multi 82.83 72.32 69.92 63.94 48.48 63.07 40.12 56.46 62.16 46.6046M 36.70
YOLOv5x IR 79.01 66.72 65.93 58.49 31.39 41.38 31.58 58.98 54.18 87.2458M 69.52
YOLOv5x RGB 81.66 72.23 68.29 59.07 48.47 66.01 39.15 61.85 62.09 87.2458M 69.52
YOLOv5x Multi 84.33 72.95 70.09 61.15 49.94 67.35 38.71 56.65 62.65 87.2487M 69.71
SuperYOLO IR 87.90 81.39 76.90 61.56 39.39 60.56 46.08 71.00 65.60 4.8256M 16.61
SuperYOLO RGB 90.30 82.66 76.69 68.55 53.86 79.48 58.08 70.30 72.49 4.8256M 16.61
SuperYOLO Multi 90.86 84.35 78.11 68.11 53.26 82.33 60.95 70.94 73.61 4.8259M 16.68


2023.2.14 open the train.py

2023.2.14 update the new fusion method (MF)

2023.2.16 update the test.py for visualization of detection results

Visualization of results


This code is built on YOLOv5 (PyTorch). We thank the authors for sharing the codes.


If you have any question, please contact me with email (jq.zhangcn@foxmail.com).