Rate Limiter written in elixir with configurable backends
Implements leaky bucket rate limiting (wiki), which is superior to most naive approaches by handling bursts even around time windows. You can define your own storage backend by implementing the ExLimiter.Storage
behaviour, and configuring it with
config :ex_limiter, :storage, MyStorage
If you want to use Memcache as Storage. Add memcachir into your extra_applications in mix.exs
def application do
extra_applications: [:memcachir]
usage once configured is:
case ExLimiter.consume(bucket, 1, scale: 1000, limit: 5) do
{:ok, bucket} -> #do some work
{:error, :rate_limited} -> #fail
Additionally, if you want to have multiple rate limiters with diverse backend implementations you can use the ExLimiter.Base
macro, like so:
defmodule MyLimiter do
use ExLimiter.Base, storage: MyStorage
ExLimiter also ships with a simple plug implementation. Usage is
plug ExLimiter.Plug, scale: 5000, limit: 20
You can also configure how the bucket is inferred from the given conn, how many tokens to consume and what limiter to use.