Serenity Journey Pattern demo

This application is a simple demonstration project using Serenity and the Journey Pattern with JUnit, running tests against the application.

The project has a number of web tests, organised by feature in packages under src/test/java/net/serenitybdd/demos/todos/features. These tests use tasks, actions, questions and page elements defined in src/main/java/net/serenitybdd/demos/todos. The overall project structure is shown here:

+ model
    Domain model classes
+ tasks
    Business-level tasks
+ action
    UI interactions
+ user_interface
    Groupings of cohesive screen elements (as if they are widgets)
+ questions
    Objects used to query the application

The project runs using JDK 1.8 and Maven. To run the demo, run:

mvn clean verify

The Serenity reports will be generated in the target/site/serenity directory.