
Please cite this code: J. Gao, Q. Wu, C. Persson, Z. Wang, Irvsp: To obtain irreducible representations of electronic states in the VASP, Comput. Phys. Comm. 261, 107760 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107760.


to compute Irreducible Representations of electronic states in Vienna ab-initio Simulation Package (irvsp).

src_irvsp_v1.tar.gz : for symmorphic crystals according to the character tables (CRTs) of point-group (PNG) symmetries.

src_irvsp_v2.tar.gz : for all crystals in 1651 magnetic space groups according to the CRTs on the Bilbao Crystallographic Server(BCS).


to compute the traces of electronic states in Vienna ab-initio Simulation Package. The trace file "trace.txt" is generated, which is needed for the CheckTopologicalMat on the BCS: www.cryst.ehu.es/cryst/checktopologicalmat [cite "M.G. Vergniory, et al., Nature 566, 480-485. (2019)"].

src_trace_v1.tar.gz : for the VASP calculations with ISPIN=1.

src_trace_v1.1.tar.gz: for Hybrid functional calculations with ISPIN=1, which can skip the first N k-points.

src_trace_v2.tar.gz : for the VASP calculations with ISPIN=2.


to compute irreducible representations of states in PW-based ab-initio packages.

src_ir2pw_v2.tar.gz : for all crystals in 1651 magnetic space groups according to the CRTs on the Bilbao Crystallographic Server(BCS).


to compute irreducible representations of states in the (electronic or phononic) tight-binding Hamiltonian.

src_ir2tb_v1.tar.gz : for symmorphic crystals according to the character tables (CRTs) of point-group (PNG) symmetries.

src_ir2tb_v2.tar.gz : for all crystals according to the CRTs on the Bilbao Crystallographic Server(BCS).


the associated library can be linked to by various DFT packages, such as VASP, Quantum espresso, Siesta, Abinit, ELK, Wien2k.