The program simulates evolution of the sublattice magnetization vector in ferromagnets or antiferromagnets on a square lattice by solving the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation in presence of spin-transfer torques (STT, homogeneous current distribution along x is implemented for now). Stationary solutions in absence of STT, such as skyrmions and domain walls, are found by starting from a seed solution and evolving the time-dependent system in presence of the Gilbert damping until the stationary state is reached.
At the moment the code is not well documented and lacks proper commentaries in the code.
Deformation of a skyrmion lattice in presence of linearly polarized off-resonant pumping in Ref. D. Yudin, D. R. Gulevich, M. Titov, "Light-induced anisotropic skyrmion and stripe phases in Rashba ferromagnet", Phys. Rev. Lett., in press (2017). arXiv:1705.02261.
Test of a model of notch structure similar to the one studied in Ref. J. Iwasaki, M. Mochizuki and N. Nagaosa, "Current-induced skyrmion dynamics in constricted geometries", Nan. Nanotech. 8, 743 (2013).
Basic usage:
Compile the C library (produces the dynamic library ""):
$ make
Run iPython interactive interface:
$ ipython
Run the command in iPython
[1] run
to execute the simulation with the Python code linked to the compiled C library "",
[2] run -i
to display the last frame, or,
[3] run -i
to animate the simulation.