This program allows to perform tight binding calculations with a user friendly interface in a variety of lattices and dimensionalities, using pyqula.
Below you can see videos showing the real-time usage of this program
The program runs in Linux and Mac machines.
Clone the GitHub repository
git clone
and execute the script install as
The script will install all the required dependencies if they are not already present for the python command used. Afterwards, you can run the program by executing in a terminal
For using this program in Windows, the easiest solution is to create a virtual machine using Virtual Box, installing a version of Ubuntu in that virtual machine, and following the previous instructions.
- Spinless, spinful and Nambu basis for orbitals
- Full non-collinear electron and Nambu formalism
- Include magnetism, spin-orbit coupling and superconductivity
- Band structures with state-resolved expectation values
- Momentum-resolved spectral functions
- Local and full operator-resolved density of states
- 0d, 1d, 2d and 3d tight binding models
- Selfconsistent mean-field calculations with local/non-local interactions
- Both collinear and non-collinear formalism
- Anomalous mean-field for non-collinear superconductors
- Full selfconsistency with all Wick terms for non-collinear superconductors
- Automatic identification of order parameters for symmetry broken states
- Berry phases, Berry curvatures, Chern numbers and Z2 invariants
- Operator-resolved Chern numbers and Berry density
- Surface spectral functions for semi-infinite systems
- Single impurities in infinite systems
- Operator-resolved spectral functions
- Local and full spectral functions
- Operator resolved spectral functions
- Reaching system sizes up to 1000000 atoms on a single-core laptop
Electronic band structure, Berry curvature and momentum resolved surface
spectral function of a px + ipy spin-triplet topological
superconductor with d-vector (0,0,1).
Electronic band structure and selfconsistent local magnetization
of a square lattice with an applied Zeeman field
and local Hubbard interactions.
Electronic band structure, Fermi surface and local density of states
of a superlattice built from a defective triangular lattice
Real space simulation of the STS spectra, using atomic-like orbitals
for a nanographene island
Fermi surface and band structure of a two-dimensional lattice,
including both first and second neighbor hoppings. In the absence
of second neighbor hopping, the lowest band is flat. Only first
neighbor hoppings are shown in the 3D structure plot.
Non-interacting and interacting band structure of a two-dimensional
Lieb lattice. When repulsive
local Hubbard interactions are included, an spontaneously
ferromagnetic state appears in the system, leading to a real-space
magnetic distribution.
Kagome lattice with Rashba spin-orbit coupling and exchange field, giving rise to a net Chern number and chiral edge states
Honeycomb lattice with Kane-Mele spin-orbit coupling and Rashba spin-orbit coupling, giving rise to a gapped spectra with a non-trivial Z2 invariant and helical edge states
Self-consistent mean field calculation of a zigzag graphene ribbon, with electronic interactions included as a mean field Hubbard model. Interactions give rise to an edge magnetization in the ribbon, with an antiferromagnetic alignment between edges
Three-dimensional quantum spin-Hall insulator, engineered by intrinsic
spin-orbit coupling in the diamond lattice. the top and bottom of the
slab show an emergent helical electron gas.
Real space simulation of the STS spectra, using atomic-like orbitals
for a graphene nanoribbon
Band structure of a slab of a 3D nodal line semimetal in a diamond lattice, showing the emergence of topological zero energy drumhead states in the surface of the slab
Spectra and spatially resolved density of states of square quantum dot, showing the emergence of confined modes
Density of states and spatially resolved density of states of a big graphene quantum dot. The huge islands module uses special techniques to efficiently solve systems with hundreds of thousands of atoms.
Electronic spectra of a graphene lattice in the presence of an off-plane magnetic field and antiferromagnetic order, giving rise to Landau levels and chiral edge states
Bogoliuvov de Gennes band structure of a two-dimensional gas in a square lattice with Rashba spin-orbit coupling, off-plane exchange field and s-wave superconducting proximity effect. When superconductivity is turned on, a gap opens up in the spectra hosting a non-trivial Chern number, giving rise to propagating Majorana modes in the system
Band structure of Bernal stacked bilayer graphene, showing the emergence of a gap when an interlayer bias is applied. The previous gap hosts a non-trivial valley Chern number, giving rise to the emergence of pseudo-helical states in the edge of the system
Bandstructure and local density of states of twisted bilayer graphene at the magic angle, showing the emergence of a flat band, with an associated triangular density of states