👋 I'm a student developer currently studying in Singapore. I started programming at 13, and in the past year, I've built a website that tracks more than 1.8k available taxis in Singapore, worked with AI to create a fully functional LSTM model that can predict stock prices, and did so much more.
- Platinum division in USACO!
- Received Honor Roll of Distinction (top 1%) for the AMC 8 and Certificate of Achievement for AMC 10
- First place in Singapore for
- BEBRAS International Challenge on Informatics and Computational Thinking (BEBRAS, 2022)
- Singapore Math Global Assessments Final (SINGA, 2022)
- Design Thinking with Robotics and Computational Thinking International Competition Finals (DrCT, 2021)
- Founder of the SAIS Hack Club, aiming to provide SAIS students with an experience that inspires, educates, and develops future leaders in computer science. We currently have 20+ members working on projects and learning new skills!
- Check out the State of the SAIS Hackers 2022, a recap of what we have done and are working on in the future.
- Current head of the outreach team at the International Junior Honour Society Student Leadership Council; currently working to provide support and guidance to IJHS members involved in CSPs through an online mentorship program
- Former head of the Development and Implementation team; organised workshops, webinars, and community events aimed at improving the welfare of IJHS fellows
- Former head of the web development team at the SLC; spearheaded in deploying the IJHS community website to Wordpress
- Connect 4 solver during Fundamentals of Computer Science;
it got beaten by another algorithm sothen I made a better one (takes a while to run for some initial position though) - Butterfly classifier using Jetson Nano during iD Tech's AI ML course with NVIDIA; code
- Stock data visualiser that uses the Alpha Vantage API to get stock data
- Website that visualise Singapore taxi locations using real-time taxi availability data from data.gov.sg
- Cogniforge - learning for all through collaborative projects and peer-to-peer collaboration
- Various Hack Club shenanigans in my scrapbook
- Building Scratch for AI apps... stay tuned to buildspace Nights and Weekends S3
- Notify, a site where you can write "notes" for other people to sign and leave a message
- detectAI, a Google Chrome extension to pick up possible AI plagiarism by scanning the Google Doc that you are currently editing/viewing
- A case for the Sprig console to make it into an actual, portable gaming controller
I believe that collaborating on projects is a great way to learn from each other and build up experience; feel free to hit me up on Discord (cytronicoder#4975) or email me at novodoodle@gmail.com if you want to work on a project together.