Perform gridless channel estimation using angular structures This code is for the following papers: Jiang Zhu, Chao-kai Wen, Jun Tong, Chongbin Xu and Shi Jin, Gridless Variational Bayesian Channel Estimation for Antenna Array Systems with Low Resolution ADCs,
This code is built based on the VALSE algorithm, and is written by Jiang Zhu. If you have any problems about the code, please feel free to contact
Please directly run NMSEvsIter to see the performance of the GL_QVBCE.
Main function:
Input parameters:
y_q:For quantization, it belongs to
m: The index correspond to incomplete measurements.
ha: Set ha=2, which corresponds to Heuristic 2
T: The number of pilots
h_orig: True channel (spectral signal)
Iter_max:The maximum number of iterations
B: The bit-depth. For unquantized setting, set B=inf.
yy_min: The left endpoints of the quantizer
alpha: The stepsize of the quantizer
method_EP:'diag_EP' or scalar_EP’. Please set 'diag_EP'.
Output parameters:
freqs: The point estimates of the frequency
amps: The complex weight amplitude
xr:Reconstructed channel (line spectral)
noise_var: noise variance estimate
t: The iterations exited
MSE:Normalized MSE
K: Tracking the number of paths during iteration