Perform gridless channel estimation using angular structures

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Perform gridless channel estimation using angular structures This code is for the following papers: Jiang Zhu, Chao-kai Wen, Jun Tong, Chongbin Xu and Shi Jin, Gridless Variational Bayesian Channel Estimation for Antenna Array Systems with Low Resolution ADCs, https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.00576

This code is built based on the VALSE algorithm, and is written by Jiang Zhu. If you have any problems about the code, please feel free to contact jiangzhu16@zju.edu.cn

Please directly run NMSEvsIter to see the performance of the GL_QVBCE.

Main function:


Input parameters:

y_q:For quantization, it belongs to $0,1,2,\cdots,2^B-1$. For unquantized setting, it is the unquantized measurmenets.

m: The index correspond to incomplete measurements.

ha: Set ha=2, which corresponds to Heuristic 2

T: The number of pilots

h_orig: True channel (spectral signal)

Iter_max:The maximum number of iterations

B: The bit-depth. For unquantized setting, set B=inf.

yy_min: The left endpoints of the quantizer

alpha: The stepsize of the quantizer

method_EP:'diag_EP' or scalar_EP’. Please set 'diag_EP'.

Output parameters:


freqs: The point estimates of the frequency

amps: The complex weight amplitude

xr:Reconstructed channel (line spectral)

noise_var: noise variance estimate

t: The iterations exited

MSE:Normalized MSE

K: Tracking the number of paths during iteration