CSV statisctics visualizer

This is a data visualization web application developed using Streamlit. The application accepts a CSV file and allows the user to visualize the data distribution and apply statistical hypothesis tests.

Table of Contents


To get started with application, the hosted on streamlit version of app can be used:



Installing and Running Locally



  1. Clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/Rivgad/csv-statistics-visualizer
    cd csv-statistics-visualizer
  2. Open Anaconda Prompt and change directory to project directory

  3. Create a new Conda environment and activate it

    conda env create -f conda-env.yml
    conda activate csv-statistics-visualizer-env
  4. Run the Streamlit app

    streamlit run app/streamlit_app.py

    or (for Windows)

    python -m streamlit run app/streamlit_app.py
  1. Fork repository *click here*

  2. To deploy an app, click "New app" from the upper right corner of your workspace. Alt text

  3. Fill in:

    • Repository: %your_github_username%/csv-statistics-visualizer
    • Branch: main
    • Main file path: app/streamlit_app.py
  4. Click 'Advanced settings...' and choose Python version 3.10

  5. Click 'Deploy!'