
Example project using Hydrogen and Model-View-Presenter(MVP) architecture.

Project Structure

- src
  - components # atomic design base structure
    - atoms
    - molecules
    - organisms
    - template
  - models # all bussiness logic
    - api
    - interactions
    - state
    - types
  - pages # pages that are being 
    - home.server.js
  - App.server.js

Git Flow

On this project is being use the following gitflow for rapid development so basically to create any feature we create a branch like feat/button from main.

After all the change are completed on the branch feat/button we create a Pull Request to main where other developers can review our code.

After this is done we upload the changes with a merge to main and delete the current feacture or fix branch.


We are using this desing created by Happy Tri Milliarta