Workshop 1- Create a free Kubernetes cluster with one worker node and deploy your first app to IBM Cloud.
IBM Cloud Account-
In the IBM Cloud Catalog, Create a Continuous Delivery service
In the IBM Cloud Catalog, select Kubernetes Cluster and click Create. A cluster configuration page opens. By default, Free cluster is selected.
Give your cluster a unique name and select Geography --> North America && Metro --> Dallas.
Click Create Cluster. A worker pool is created that contains one worker node.
The worker node can take a few minutes to provision, but you can see the progress in the Worker nodes tab. When the status reaches Ready, you can start working with your cluster!
- Click on DevOps and click on Create a Toolchain
- Click on Develop a Kubernetes app
- In the redirected page, select Dallas as the region for Toolchain and in Delivery pipeline, click CREATE next to IBM Cloud API Key and click on CREATE the toolchain.
- Click Delivery Pipeline and you can see the BUILD, CONTAINERIZE and DEPLOY stage.
- Click on Deploy to Kubernetes within DEPLOY stage.
- VIEW the application in the URL mentioned near VIEW THE APPLICATION AT
Let's change the code in app.js by opening ECLIPSE ORION WEB IDE and then push the changes through DELIVERY PIPELINE.
- Docker Installation-
- Appsody Installation-
Sign in using your Gmail id.
$ cat /etc/os-release
output should be
VERSION="18.04.2 LTS (Bionic Beaver)"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS"
Get installable
$ wget
Install Appsody
$ sudo apt install ./appsody_0.2.8_amd64.deb
- First, choose a development stack. To see all the available stacks, run:
$ appsody list
Create a fully functional Appsody project using the nodejs-express stack:
$ mkdir my-project $ cd my-project $ appsody init nodejs-express
Start the development container:
$ appsody run
Great! Now the project is running in a docker container, and the container is linked to the project source code on your local system. For nodejs-express, navigate to http://localhost:3000 to see the output.
Edit the file app.js to output something other than "Hello from Appsody!".
vi app.js
When you save the file, Appsody picks up the change and automatically updates the container. Refresh http://localhost:3000 to see the new message!
You now have a containerized application that's ready to deploy to a suitable runtime infrastructure such as a cloud platform that hosts a Kubernetes cluster.
Refer to deploying your app directly to a Kubernetes cluster for more information on deploying to IBM Cloud Kubernetes cluster.