
Buzz Word Bingo API Exercise (no database edition)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Buzz Word Bingo

About the game

Before a meeting the players are asked to enter words with point values. A player can enter a total of 5 words at most. Once a meeting starts if a word that the player previously entered is heard during a meeting that player can mark that word and score the points increasing their score. Each time the player scores a new word the total increases by the point value.

Welcome to Team Buzz™

Our game has been getting a lot of traction and we need to rebuild the API server with NodeJS to handle all the connections, we need you to create the server using ExpressJS. Our CTO will provide you with the specs below.

At this time:

  • you will not build the front-end.
  • you will not implement a database.

The Specs

We like RESTful architechure. We like CRUD. As always, data will be sent to the server as x-www-form-urlencoded.

Buzz word object

This is how your objects should look like after receiving a POST to the uri /buzzword

  buzzWord: String,
  score: Number
  heard: false

You will store these objects in memory for the time being. Meaning that if the server crashes and after restarting and listening again, your app will have no buzzword objects, no collection containing buzzword objects, no scores, nada.

Routes overview table:

GET / empty render HTML index.html serves the index.html
GET /buzzwords empty { "buzzWords": [...] } A JSON response containing an array of current buzz words Retrieves all buzzwords
POST /buzzword { "buzzWord": String, "points": Number } { "success": true } Creates a new buzzword object. Returns true if successful else false
PUT /buzzword { "buzzWord": String, "heard": Bool } { "success": true, newScore: Number } Updates a buzzword. Returns true and the new score if successful otherwise returns just false
DELETE /buzzword { "buzzWord": String } { "success": true } Delete a buzzword. Returns true if successful else false
POST /reset { "reset": true } { "success": true } Resets the server. All buzzwords are removed and scores reset to 0

Routes detailed

GET /: Serves the static file index.html which should be located in your public/ directory. For now just have a stub HTML file.

GET /buzzwords: Returns a JSON response containing single key, buzzWords which will be an array containing objects (see Buzz Word Object Section for details)

POST /buzzword: Creates a new buzz word object. The body should have these keys:

  • buzzWord which contains the buzz word as a String and
  • points property is how many points that word is worth when scored, this value is of data-type Number. Example: if { "buzzword": "Agile is amazing", "score": 1000 } is sent to this route then the server will create a new buzz word object and add it to a collection.

PUT /buzzword: Updates a buzz word's heard property. The body should contain these keys:

  • buzzWord which is the buzz word to modify.
  • heard Changes the value stored. Example: if { "buzzWord": "Social-Mobile", "heard": true } is sent to this route then the server will find the buzz word "Social-Mobile" and change it's heard property to true.

DELETE /buzzword: Deletes a buzz word from the collection.

Middleware to use

Body-Parser - Use this module to help parse the data coming from a request. Focus on the urlencodedoptions section of the README, use the extended: true option. Take some time to scan through the documentation. What is body-parser module doing for us? Is this module doing something we previously had to do manually?

Getting Started

  1. Create your own directory for this project, name it express-todo-api.
  2. You'll be using git and npm so be sure to initialize those tools before you use them.
  3. Install the packages you need
  4. Use Postman to test your routes.
  5. Remember to commit often!

Adding Middleware to Buzz Word Bingo

Now that you have the endpoints built let's (you) build some validations for the data coming over.

Your middleware will check if the request's body contains the required keys and also make sure that the values at those keys have values and are of the expected Data-type.

Example: POST /buzzword => { "buzzWord": String, "points": Number }

A POST request to the resource /buzzword should have two keys: buzzWord and points. Also be sure that the value stored at each key is of the right data type. e.g. buzzWord key should contain a value of String data type. points key should contain a value of Number data type.

Routes which will need validations

Format below: [METHOD] [URI] => Expected object

POST /buzzword => { "buzzWord": String, "points": Number }

PUT /buzzword => { "buzzWord": String, "heard": Bool }

DELETE /buzzword => { "buzzWord": String }

POST /reset => { "reset": true }