#Even Fibonacci Numbers

##Challenge 2

Each new number in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two Fibonacci numbers. For example by starting with the numbers 1 and 2 being the first and second numbers in the Fibonacci sequence, the first 10 numbers in the Fibonacci sequence looks like this:

1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89

The Exercise You will be given a stub function in the file even_fib_nums.js. This function accepts one argument, maxFibValue which is a Number.

Remember, maxFibValue is the max value of a fibonacci number, it is NOT the Nth fibonacci number in the sequence.

You goal will be to sum up all the *Even Numbers that are less than or equal to, but does not exceed, the maxFibValue given to you.

Getting Started

  1. Fork and Clone this repository
  2. To install all dependecies, run the command: npm install
  3. Your work will be done in the file named: even_fib_nums.js
  4. Run your test with the command: npm test
  5. When you are done with the first 2 tests, un-skip the other by deleting .skip.
  6. The third test is broken, fix it!


Remember, n is not how many numbers in the fibonacci sequence, it is the max value, the last term in a fibonacci sequence where you will then add up all even numbers.


Fibonacci on Wikipedia

The Fibonacci Sequence: Nature's Code on YouTube

From Project Euler Problem 2