Variational Neural Networks for the Solution of Partial Differential Equations
Authors: Reza Khodayi-mehr and Michael M Zavlanos
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science,
Duke University, Durham, NC 27708, USA.
Copyright (c) 2019 Reza Khodayi-mehr - licensed under the MIT License
For a full copyright statement see the accompanying file.
For theoretical derivations as well as numerical experiment results, see:
Reza Khodayi-mehr and Michael M Zavlanos. VarNet: Variational neural networks
for the solution of partial differential equations, 2019.
[Online]. Available:
To examine the functionalities of the VarNet library, see the acompanying Operater files.
The code is fully functional with the following module versions:
- python: 3.6.7
- tensorflow: 1.10.0
- numpy: 1.16.4
- scipy: 1.2.1
- matplotlib: 3.0.3