
CRUD API with NestJs, Docker, kubernetes and mongodb

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Nest Logo

This project was built using Nest.js, a Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications. under the hood nestjs is using expressjs, nest also support both typescript and javascript


This project is using this project as boilerplate


# install dependencies
$ npm install

# get env variable
$ cp .env.example .env

# start service
$ npm run dependency:local

Running the app


# development
$ npm run start

# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev


Statefulset MongoDB (Replica Set)

secure your mongodb keyfile:
make folder secret inside folder resources and execute this command

  openssl rand -base64 741 > resources/secret/mongodb-keyfile

create kubernetes secret with the mongodb keyfile you just create:

  kubectl create secret generic mongo-key --from-file=resources/secret/mongodb-keyfile

check the mongo-key secret:

  kubectl get secret


  • now you R ready to apply resources/kubernetes/mongodb-statefulset.yaml
      kubectl apply -f resources/kubernetes/mongodb-statefulset.yaml
  • wait until all the 3 pods R running screnshoot-1
  • check pvc:
  kubectl get pvc


  • define replica set in mongo bash in the running pod

    • by execute:

        kubectl exec -it mongod-0 -- bash
      # now you can acces the pod bash
    • in pod bash, login to mongo, by execute:

        mongo -u root -p developer
    • execute this command to make your own replica set with your own host

        _id: 'MainRepSet',
        version: 1,
        members: [
          { _id: 0, host: 'mongod-0.mongodb-service:27017' },
          { _id: 1, host: 'mongod-1.mongodb-service:27017' },
          { _id: 2, host: 'mongod-2.mongodb-service:27017' }
    • rs.status() to see if there is primary replica set, it will look similiar like this:

        "members" : [
              "_id" : 0,
              "name" : "mongod-0.mongodb-service:27017",
              "stateStr" : "PRIMARY",
              "_id" : 1,
              "name" : "mongod-1.mongodb-service:27017",
              "stateStr" : "SECONDARY",
              "syncSourceHost" : "mongod-0.mongodb-service:27017",
              "_id" : 2,
              "name" : "mongod-2.mongodb-service:27017",
              "stateStr" : "SECONDARY",
              "syncSourceHost" : "mongod-0.mongodb-service:27017",
    • if not, exec this command bellow to make host mongod-0.mongodb-service:27017 as primary

      • it's depend on which pod you are accessing the mongo bash
    • after that you can run this application on kubernetes:

        kubectl apply -f resources/kubernetes/deploy-app.yaml
    • wait until this app's pod is running screnshoot-3

    • Done, the application is running on port 30001 screnshoot-2


Note: Finish installation first
simply exec this command:

  npm run seeder

Seeding in kubernetes

You need to access the app's pod bash by execute this command:

  kubectl exec -it `app-name` -- bash

inside the pod bash exec this command:

  npm run seeder


this is the admin credentials:

  "email": "admin@admin.com",
  "password": "lumosmaxima"


You can see the test case on github action instead

Test Case List

  • User API
    • Success => Should get a user
    • Success => User should change password and login with that password
    • Error => User access API should got error: Invalid token
    • Error => User access API should got error: Invalid token => authorization not set
    • Error => User access API should got error: Forbidden
    • Error => User access API should got error: User blocked
    • Error => Get user data should got error: User can't get other user's data
    • Error => Get user data should got error: No such a user
    • Error => Get user data should got error: Invalid param
  • Authentication API
    • Success => Should register a user and return a token
    • Success => Should login a user and return a token
    • Error => login a user should got error: Wrong password or email
    • Error => Register a user should got error: Email already exist
    • Error => Register a user should got error: Invalid body
    • Error => Register a user should got error: Invalid body => Payload isAdmin === true
  • Admin API
    • Success => Should get many user
    • Success => Should delete a user
    • Success => Should block and unblocking a user
    • Error => Should got error: user can't access Admin API
    • Error => Delete a user should got error: Invalid param
    • Error => Delete a user should got error: No such a user
    • Error => Blocking a user should got error: Invalid param
    • Error => Blocking a user should got error: No such a user
    • Error => Should block and unblocking a user: Required query not set
  • Health API
    • should hit health check endpoint

if you want to run the test locally, finish the installation first and run the command bellow

# integration tests
$ npm run test

Endpoint List

Methode Endpoint API Description
GET /health Health API Check server
POST /auth/register Auth API User register
POST /auth/login Auth API User Login
GET /admin/get-users Admin API Admin get all users
GET /admin/get-user/:id Admin API Admin get a user
DELETE /admin/:id Admin API Admin delete a user
PATCH /admin/:id Admin API Admin block/unblock a user
GET /user/:id User Api User get his/her data
PATCH /user/change-pw/:id User APi User change password


  • You can see this project's image on this link
  • by default this image is set to connect to mongodb statefulset on kubernetes, but you can set it to connect to localhost by build and set the APP_ENV
      docker build -t rizkyiqbal/crud-api --build-arg APP_ENV=local .
  • please see .env.example, Dockerfile and appConfig.js for more details


Job Name Description
Test Integration test
Docker Build and push this app's image to my docker hub
Deploy Deploy this app to heroku


This project is live on https://iqbal-crud-api.herokuapp.com/
Note :

  • please see the endpoint list
  • header["x-user-id"] is required,so please fill it with the value of user._id
  • see user.schema.ts to check required body for post/patch method screnshoot-4

Step by Step to access this server using postman

  • Register a user using this endpoint https://iqbal-crud-api.herokuapp.com/auth/register with POST method screnshoot-5
  • Add header key x-user-id with the value of userId screnshoot-6
  • Set auth type to Bearer Token and token value of the token you just got when register screnshoot-7
  • Now you can access USER API screnshoot-8


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Stay in touch


This project is MIT licensed.

Author's Note

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