
Puppet module which automates the installation and configuration of jenkins.

Primary LanguageHTML


This is a Puppet module which automates the installation and configuration of jenkins, including jobs and slaves.


node "jenkins-master" {
  class { jenkins:
    url => "http://ci.example.com",
    email_address => "ci@example.com",
    slaves => ["jenkins-slave01", "jenkins-slave02"],
    views => [
      ["All", ".*"],
      ["Master", ".*master.*"],
      ["Release", ".*release.*"],

  jenkins::plugin { "port-allocator": version => "1.5" }

  jenkins::job { "app1_master":
    git_repo => "https://github.com/user/app1",
    git_branch => "master",
    command => "./ci.sh",
    triggers => ["app1_master_integration"]

  jenkins::job { "app1_master_integration":
    git_repo => "https://github.com/user/app1",
    git_branch => "master",
    command => "./ci.sh integration",
    poll => false,
    build_schedule => "H H * * *"


  • This module recursively manages jenkins directories, so if you remove a job configuration, it will remove the job in jenkins (no orphaned jobs)
  • Jenkins is restarted on changes, so the running jenkins always reflects the files on disk
  • Jobs are very customizable. Take a look at job.pp


One way to include this module in your puppet repository is to add it as a submodule:

git submodule add https://github.com/pgr0ss/puppet-jenkins.git modules/jenkins
git submodule update --init


puppet-jenkins is released under the MIT license.