This is a neural network-based machine translation system developed at the University of Helsinki and (now) Stockholm University.
HNMT is the best system for English-to-Finnish translation according to both the manual and automatic evaluations done for the official WMT 2017 results. Our system description paper (camera-ready copy, due to be published in the proceedings of the WMT 2017, September 2017) describes the design and implementation of our system in detail, and contains evaluations of different features.
There has been a number of changes to the interface, due to a rewrite of the data loading code so that not all training data is loaded into RAM. This reduces memory consumption considerably.
- Training data is now given as a single file with source/target sentences
separated by a ||| token, using the
argument. The--source
arguments should not be used. - Held-out sentences for training monitoring must be specified using
(as opposed to the training data, these must be contained in two separate files for the source and target language). - Vocabularies must be computed in advance. There is a new tool,
which does this. One should be created for each of the source and target texts, and loaded with--load-source-vocabulary
respectively. - The semantics of
have changed a bit, but the acceptable values should be roughly the same as before, and depends on model size and GPU RAM but not on sentence length.--batch-size
is only used during translation. - You can use
--backwards yes
to train a model where all the input is reversed (on the character level). Currently the output is kept reversed, but this is subject to modification.
- biLSTM encoder which can be either character-based or hybrid word/character (Luong & Manning 2016)
- LSTM decoder which can be either character-based or word-based
- Beam search with coverage penalty based on Wu et al. (2016)).
- Partial support for byte pair encoding (Sennrich et al. (2015))
- Variational dropout (Gal 2015) and Layer Normalization (Ba et al. 2016)
- Context gates (Tu et al. 2017)
- A GPU if you plan to train your own models
- Python 3.4 or higher
- Theano (use the development version)
- NLTK for tokenization, but note that HNMT also supports pre-tokenized data from external tokenizers
If Theano and BNAS are installed, you should be able to simply run
. Run with the --help
argument to see the available command-line
Training a model on the Europarl corpus can be done like this:
python3 --min-char-count 2 --tokenizer word \
--hybrid --vocabulary 50000 \
python3 --min-char-count 2 --tokenizer char \
--output vocab.en
python3 --train \
--source-tokenizer word \
--target-tokenizer char \
--heldout-source \
--heldout-target dev.en \
--load-source-vocabulary \
--load-target-vocabulary vocab.en \
--batch-budget 32 \
--training-time 24 \
--log en-sv.log \
--save-model en-sv.model
This will create a model with a hybrid encoder (with 50k vocabulary size and
character-level encoding for the rest) and character-based decoder, and train
it for 24 hours. Development set cross-entropy and some other statistics
appended to this file, which is usually the best way of monitoring training.
Training loss and development set translations will be written to stdout, so
redirecting this or using tee
is recommended.
Note that --heldout-source
and --heldout-target
are mandatory, and that
while the training data contains sentence pairs separated by ||| in the same
file, the heldout sentences (which are only used for monitoring during
training) are separated into two files.
The resulting model can be used like this:
python3 --load-model en-sv.model \
--translate test.en --output \
--beam-size 10
Note that when training a model from scratch, parameters can be set on the
commandline or otherwise the hard-coded defaults are ued. When continuing
training or doing translation (i.e. whenever the --load-model
argument is
used), the defaults are encoded in the given model file, although some of
these (that do not change the network structure) can still be overridden by
commandline arguments.
For instance, the model above will assume that input files need to be tokenized, but passing a pre-tokenized (space-separated) input can be done as follows:
python3 --load-model en-sv.model \
--translate test.en --output \
--source-tokenizer space \
--beam-size 10
You can resume training by adding the --load-model
argument without using
(which disables training). For instance, if you want to keep
training the model above for another 48 hours on the same data:
python3 --load-model en-sv.model
--training-time 48 \
--save-model en-sv-72h.model
Select the tokenizer among these options:
- space: pre-segmented with spaces as separators
- char: split into character sequences
- word: use wordpunct from nltk
- bpe: pre-segmented with BPE (remove '@@ ' from final output)
TODO: support BPE as internal segmentation (apply_bpe to training data)
During training, the *.log
file reports the following information (in order, one column per item):
- Seconds since start
- Average cross-entropy per symbol
- Attention cross-entropy (values are sensible only when using attention supervision)
- Seconds used for test sentences
- Number of processed batches
- Number of processed sentences
The *.log.eval
file reports evaluation metrics on the heldout set (in order, one column per item):
- Seconds since start
- BLEU score
- chrF score
- Number of processed batches
- Number of processed sentences