
The encrypted version preference data store with exact same API and usage as the preference datastore, just the way as SharedPreferences and EncryptedSharedPreferences.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Encrypted Preference Data Store

The encrypted version preference data store with exact same API and usage as the preference datastore, just the way as SharedPreferences and EncryptedSharedPreferences.

    private val Context.dataStore by encryptedPreferenceDataStore(
        fileName = "user-settings"

PreferenceDataStoreExt contains shorthand data store preference extensions to ease observing, getting and updating the preference.


Step 1 : Register jipack maven into project's root setting.gradle.kts.

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven(url = "https://jitpack.io")

Step 2 : Add dependency to the module's build.gradle.kts. Replace version with the latest verion number.

dependencies {

