
Red Academy Project 1 - Aloha Apparel Co.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Aloha Apparel Co

Project Overview

The Project Aloha homepage was created to demostrate effective use of HTML and CSS. It is a mobile-first responsive layout with flexbox and is optimized for three screen sizes - Mobile 480px, Tablet 768px, and desktop. The HTML is syntactically-valid HTML5 code, which the head includes linked stylesheets for CSS, stylized custom fonts, and a Flickity carousel. The HTML has been written with semantically-appropriate HTML elements, while the CSS demostrates effective use of flexbox properties, box model properties and appropriate CSS selectors. A list-based navigation menu has been incorporate which smooth scrolls to specific sub-headings within the page. A Flickity image slider has been implemented for an image slider. Javascript was used to display an alert box that says �Thanks for subscribing!� whenever a user successfully submits the newsletter form with a valid email address, otherwise the alert box asks for the user to enter a valid email address. As a first project, Project Aloha is important to me because it shows effective use of HTML and CSS fundamentals and some Javascript.


  1. Smooth-scroll to desired sections on the website by clicking on the navigation items.
  2. Image carousel for 'Most Loved Products'.
  3. Email alert box that checks for valid email syntax.


HTML5 doctype


  • Mobile responsive layout
  • Implements Product Type Categories layout with flexbox
  • Incorporate custom fonts using @font-face
  • Uses Font Awesome for icon fonts


  • Incorporates a smooth scroll
  • Checks for valid email syntax

Personal Learnings

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Flexbox
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Command Line Interface
  • Git
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery