
IronPython Examples for SolidEdge

Primary LanguagePython

Examples of using IronPython for SolidEdge programming.

The original examples writen in VB.NET and C can be found in
Solid Edge Programmer's Guide or in .NET Programmer's Guide
for Solid Edge (Solid_Edge_API_tcm78-125829.pdf)

Freeware. For educational purposes only, use it at your own risk.

You can read a brief tutorial at

The program requires Interop.SolidEdge.dll to be copied in its
folder. The DLL is part of Jason Hewell's project and can be
downloaded from http://solidedgeinterop.codeplex.com/
Tested with IronPython 2.7.4 on .NET 4.0 and Solid Edge ST6.

The files have the extension .ipy (a personal preference),
feel free to changed it to any other extension.
Simply run:
  ipy.exe filename.ipy