
A shell script for CloudXNS DDNS

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


A shell script for CloudXNS DDNS

Requirements: *nix shell with curl


1. Edit blank sections as you need.

e.g. API_KEY="af0b62d0e4b5898587dde0ea6fddd97e"

e.g. SECRET_KEY="28c9ca6aa33241e6"

  • DOMAIN is required:

e.g. DOMAIN="example.com" or DOMAIN="www.example.com"

  • IP is optional: Leave it blank let server autodetect yourt public IP


  • IP="" : Autodetect public IP. [Recommend].
  • IP="" : Single IP
  • IP="|" : Several IPs separated by "|"

2. Run it.

  • If there's everything OK, it prints <date> -- success and returns with 0.

e.g. Tue, 30 Aug 2016 19:41:56 +0800 -- Success

  • Otherwise it prints <date> -- failed:<message> and returns with 255.

e.g. Tue, 30 Aug 2016 19:41:36 +0800 -- Failed:{"code":639,"message":"The host record does not exist"}


  • Assume you are a normal user names someone and you put the edited cloudxns-ddns.sh in /home/someone.

  • You run $crontab -e and add a line like this:

* * * * * /home/someone/cloudxns-ddns.sh >> /home/someone/cloudxns-ddns.log

  • It means cloudxns-ddns.sh will run at every minute, and log result to /home/someone/cloudxns-ddns.log.

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