An ORM inspired by Ruby on Rails' Active Record. Reactive uses SQL queries to communicate with a SQLite Database. By manipulating the data retrieved, Reactive creates objects with simplified methods (shown below) for effective communication between developer and database.
Reactive uses SQLite3 as its database. Please setup SQLite3 before using Reactive.
- Clone the repo.
- Navigate into the ReactiveRecord directory in the terminal.
- Run bundle install and create the database file:
bundle install
cat cars.sql | sqlite3 cars.db
- Start pry and load the entry file:
load 'hyperactive.rb'
- returns all rows within the object's table.
- returns an SQLObject with the given id.
- takes a hash as an argument and returns an array of SQL objects that follow the key/value pairs given.
- inserts a new row into the database with the SQLObject's attributes along with a new id.
- updates the SQLObject with its current attributes.
- inserts or updates the SQLObject.
belongs_to(name, options)
- creates a BelongsToOptions instance to create an association between two database tables; then, it creates an association with 'name' to access the associated object.
has_many(name, options)
- creates an HasManyOptions instance to create an association between two database tables; then, it creates an association with 'name' to access the associated objects.
has_one_through(name, through_name, source_name)
- creates an association between two objects through an existing association. Goes through two ::belongs_to
methods in order to access the associated object. Then, defines a method as an association with 'name' to access the associated object.