
C bindings to the BWAPI library

Primary LanguageC++


Build Status Build status release

C language bindings to the BWAPI library

BWAPI again? Why?

The original BWAPI.dll is written in C++. Due to mangling etc... you can't link against BWAPI.dll with other compilers but only with cl.exe and link.exe. The goal of this library is to provide a minimalistic C API which can be used to create bindings for high-level languages.

Build on Linux

bwapi-c/ $ mkdir build && cd build
bwapi-c/build $ cmake .. -DBWAPI_PATH=~/Downloads/BWAPI
bwapi-c/build $ make

BWAPI_PATH must point to directory with BWAPI release.

Usage on Linux with GCC for BWAPILauncher

You should get libBWAPIC.so that was build on Linux with GCC. See Releases.


~/bwapi-c/example $ ls
libBWAPIC.so Dll.c
~/bwapi-c/example $ gcc -shared -fPIC -o Dll.so Dll.c -I../include -L. -lBWAPIC
~/bwapi-c/example $ ls
Dll.c Dll.so libBWAPIC.so

Put libBWAPIC.so and Dll.so inside BWAPILauncher directory, copy BrooDat.mpq, Patch_rt.mpq, StarDat.mpq, maps from StarCraft directory. Set up bwapi-data/bwapi.ini (unset ai, ai_dbg, set map, e.g. map=maps/BroodWar/ICCup Tau Cross.scx) and run:

~/openbw/bwapi/build/bin$ BWAPI_CONFIG_AI__AI=Dll.so BWAPI_CONFIG_AUTO_MENU__RACE=Zerg ./BWAPILauncher


If you are getting dlerror while injecting your module inside BWAPILauncher, recompile bwapi-c on you local machine and recompile your Dll.so.

Possible errors:

dlerror: libBWAPIC.so: undefined symbol: _ZNK5BWAPI5Event7getTextB5cxx11Ev

This is caused by different compiler flags on your machine. libBWAPIC.so was built with --with-default-libstdcxx-abi=new, and your compiler is probably --with-default-libstdcxx-abi=gcc4-compatible --disable-libstdcxx-dual-abi. Recompiling OpenBW and bwapi-c with the same compiler will fix this problem.


You may compile it, but it is not supported by OpenBW for now.

Usage on Linux with MinGW for StarCraft.exe

You should get BWAPIC.lib, BWAPIC.dll and BWAPI.dll that was build on Windows with MSVC. See Releases.


~/bwapi-c/example $ ls
BWAPIC.lib Dll.c
~/bwapi-c/example $ i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -mabi=ms -shared -o Dll.dll Dll.c -I../include -L. -lBWAPIC
~/bwapi-c/example $ ls
Dll.c Dll.dll BWAPIC.lib

Put BWAPIC.dll inside StarCraft directory and Dll.dll inside StarCraft/bwapi-data. Set up bwapi.ini (ai=bwapi-data/Dll.dll) and run:

$ wine bwheadless.exe -e StarCraft.exe -l bwapi-data/BWAPI.dll --headful


~/bwapi-c/example $ ls
BWAPIC.lib Client.c
~/bwapi-c/example $ i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -mabi=ms -o Client.exe Client.c -I../include -L. -lBWAPIC
~/bwapi-c/example $ ls
BWAPIC.lib Client.c Client.exe

Put Client.exe into a directory with BWAPIC.dll and BWAPI.dll. Run in the first terminal:

~/bwapi-c/example $ ls
Client.exe BWAPIC.dll BWAPI.dll
~/bwapi-c/example $ wine Client.exe 
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:ntdll:EtwEventRegister ({5eec90ab-c022-44b2-a5dd-fd716a222a15}, 0x2a27f0, 0x2b0030, 0x2b0048) stub.
fixme:ntdll:EtwEventSetInformation (deadbeef, 2, 0x2a2560, 43) stub
Game table mapping not found.

Set up bwapi.ini (comment out ai=... and ai_dbg=...) and run in the second terminal:

$ wine bwheadless.exe -e StarCraft.exe -l bwapi-data/BWAPI.dll --headful

Switch to the first terminal, you shall see:

Game table mapping not found.
0 | 62 | 0 | 36406654
1 | 0 | 0 | 0
2 | 0 | 0 | 0
3 | 0 | 0 | 0
4 | 0 | 0 | 0
5 | 0 | 0 | 0
6 | 0 | 0 | 0
7 | 0 | 0 | 0
Connection successful

Open Starcraft gui window, start a game or replay, the client in the first terminal will report you:

Connection successful
Starting match