
1. Introduction

Evaluate the performance of CockroachDB when large number of transactions are executed.

2. Installation Instructions

Install CockroachDB in Linux

Installation for other OS can be found here https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/v20.1/install-cockroachdb-linux

Download the CockroachDB archive for Linux:

SSH into machine where you want the node to run then go to directory of where you want CockroachDB to be installed.

cd /temp/cs4224<xx> xx->group name
wget -qO- https://binaries.cockroachdb.com/cockroach-v20.1.8.linux-amd64.tgz | tar  xvz

Export path, so it is easy to execute cockroach command from any shell:

export PATH=/temp/cs4224<xx>/cockroach-v20.1.6.linux-amd64:$PATH

3. Start 5 Nodes and a cluster

In each server, run the following cockroach command:

Node 1

cockroach start --insecure --store=node1 --advertise-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:25267 --join=<IP ADDRESS>:25267,<IP ADDRESS>:25268,<IP ADDRESS>:25269 --http-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:8180 --listen-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:25267

Node 2

cockroach start --insecure --store=node2 --advertise-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:25268 --join=<IP ADDRESS>:25267,<IP ADDRESS>:25268,<IP ADDRESS>:25269 --http-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:9181 --listen-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:25268

Node 3

cockroach start --insecure --store=node3 --advertise-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:25269 --join=<IP ADDRESS>:25267,<IP ADDRESS>:25268,<IP ADDRESS>:25269 --http-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:8182 --listen-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:25269

Node 4

cockroach start --insecure --store=nod4 --advertise-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:25270 --join=<IP ADDRESS>:25267,<IP ADDRESS>:25268,<IP ADDRESS>:25269 --http-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:8183 --listen-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:25270

Node 5

cockroach start --insecure --store=nod5 --advertise-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:25271 --join=<IP ADDRESS>:25267,<IP ADDRESS><IP ADDRESS>:25268,<IP ADDRESS>:25269 --http-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:8184 --listen-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:25271

Start Cluster

Run this in node 1

cockroach init --insecure --host=<IP ADDRESS>:25267

4. Check the if the cluster is working

Run the cockroach sql command against node 1

cockroach sql --insecure --host=<IP ADDRESS>:25267

OR In your browser enter node 1

<IP ADDRESS>:<port>

5. Setup load balancing

Install HAProxy

apt-get install haproxy

Run cockroach gen haproxy

cockroach gen haproxy --insecure \
--host=<address of any node> \

This will generate a file called haproxy.cfg, change the configuration as needed

Export path, so it is easy to execute haproxy command from any shell:

export PATH=/<FILE LOCATION>/haproxy-2.2.0:$PATH

Configure HAProxy

Change bind value to 25273

    bind :25273

Start HAProxy

haproxy -f haproxy.cfg

6. Load data into database

Save file to be loaded in node 1

  1. Create a file 'extern'
  2. Put all the files to be loaded inside 'extern'

Load data

bash LoadData.sh

7. Run application

In the folder containing source codes

python Driver.py -addr <IP ADDRESS> -EN <Experiment Number> -> <5/6/7/8>

Note: Experiment 5 & 7 -> 4 servers active, 6 & 8 -> 5 servers active
Recommended to run 6 & 8 followed by 5 & 7

Run with 4 servers

In order to simulate only 4 servers are running, we kill one of the nodes, E.g. node 5

cockroach quit --insecure --host=<IP ADDRESS>:25271

Get DBState.csv file

python DBState.py -EN <Experiment Number>

Get Throughput.csv file

python Throughput.py