
New features to log files and new command

Galiantos opened this issue · 0 comments

New features to log files

  • If user don't have permissions to use command add text to log files
    For example:
    2019-03-31 21:32:58 +02:00 | Remote Admin | XYZ tries to use command: "FORCECLASS 105. 2"

  • Add to TeamKill log files killer's Steam64 ID and victim's Steam64 ID (If someone escape before Administrator punish him we can ban him through uban command)
    For example:
    2019-03-31 21:32:30 +02:00 | TeamKill | Chaos Insurgency 12345678901234567 XYZ killed fellow Chaos Insurgency 09876543210987654 ABC

  • Add punishment logs. If Administrator ban someone through uban command this registration will be added to punishments. Add to graphic version RA reasons for the punishment (Normal bans will be contain in punishment log files). If user was punished display him reason in menu (For example: "You have been banned for "Mass TK""). One line on one punishment. For example:
    Date and time || Killer's Steam64 ID || Killer's Nickname || Administrator's Steam64 ID || Administrator's Nickname || Time of punishment || Reason

New command to RA

  • Add command tempmute to specific user of Intercom or Microphone (Users can be mute for specific amount of time or rounds)

I apologise for my English but I hope the request is understandable ;)