README This DEMO project was built on top of friendsofbabba-dockerfiles and using friendsofbabba-core plugin for CakePHP.
First steps
Run the project:
cd dockerfiles
sh start.sh
Install database:
docker exec -it friendsofbabba_core_sample_php bash
bin/cake migrations migrate
What this APP can do?
This app contains few examples:
- blog
What I've done to create this blog:
Created database tables (
). -
Using FriendsOfBabba/Core bake I've created entities, tables and workflows:
bin/cake bake entity create BlogCategories bin/cake bake api create BlogCategories bin/cake bake workflow create BlogPosts -s Draft,Published -t Draft:Published,Published:Draft
Done! After I've customized Grids and Forms using CRUD engine provided by FriendsOfBabba/Core.
You can see it at work opening src/Model/Table/BlogPostsTables.php
or src/Model/Table/BlogCategoriesTable.php
To use the UX associated to this example you can download and run React-Admin Library:
npm run i-all
npm run dev