//  _______             _______            ____      __   ___________       //
// /\  ____`\          /\  ___ `\         /\   \    /| \ /\  ________\      //
// \ \ \___\ \     ___ \ \ \__\  \    ___ \ \ \  \  ||  \\ \ \_______/_     //
//  \ \  __  <    / __`\\ \  ___ <   / __`\\ \ \\ \ || | \\ \  ________\    //
//   \ \ \ \_ `\ /\ \_\ \\ \ \__\ `\/\ \_\ \\ \ \ \ \| |\ \\ \ \_______/_   //
//    \ \_\\ `\_\\ \____/ \ \______/\ \____/ \ \_\ \___| \_\\ \__________\  //
//     \/_/ `\/_/ \/___/   \/_____/  \/___/   \/_/\/__/ \/_/ \/__________/  //
//                                                                          //
//                        my blog address: http://roboardgod.blogspot.tw/   //

RoBoME is a tool to use RoBoIO to control RC servos on RoBoard. It is 
designed for people with little or no programming experience. We have 
tried to make it be used as easily as possible. 

2013/1/11 RoBoME version 1.00
	Release RoBoME.
2013/1/17 RoBoME version 1.01
	Increase sound function.
2013/1/24 RoBoME version 1.02
	Increase offset and goto function.
2013/1/29 RoBoME version 1.03
	Increase homeframe function.
2013/1/30 RoBoME version 1.04
	Increase framerange function, and fix a little bug.
2013/3/29 RoBoME version 1.05
	Increase background function, and you can move scrollbar to where you want, let edit more convenient.
2013/4/12 RoBoME version 1.06
	Fix two bug, Auto Play mode and background function.