upload video to youtube with selenium
Before to start:
- Python installed
- Selenium-4.8.3 installed
- Take an eyses on imports library in script
- chrome version 11
There is 2 script
- one is download.py
- second is uploadVideo.py
is for dowload videos from tiktok that you defind in script.
For example:
Set up to download:
- add chrome agrument:
- options.add_argument("user-data-dir=C:\Users\tg\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data")
- options.add_argument('profile-directory=Profile 2')
- options.binary_location = "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
Go to your chrome and type chrome://version/
then coppy like pic beloww:
- add tiktok link:
- add cookies, headers, params, data when call rest to
-- in oder to download video. Res: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsT11sOD1JA&t=960s
Run cmd : python download.py
Remember close all chromes before run srcript.
is for dowload a video from tiktok that you defind in script and then upload that video to your youtube channel.
Set up: The same with dowload script. Make sure to sig in to youtube channel before.
Run cmd : python uploadvideo.py
Remember close all chromes before run srcript.
Bottom line is sometimes you will face to captcha then the script will fail =)), try to do the captcha manually and then run script again.
I am not a root author of these scipt, I jsut enhace and refactor some code that do for my needs.
Res: https://github.com/codewithvincent1/tiktokVideoScraper/blob/main/scrape_video.py