
Blog-like photo gallery API server.

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT

Servant Photo Gallery

Build Status

Blog-like photo gallery API server.


In order to run the server, you'll need an htpasswd file holding the users and a sqlite db with the correct schema. Note that the first user in the htpasswd file is considered an admin and can upload posts:

servant-photo-gallery$ htpasswd -nbBC 12 username password > htpasswd
servant-photo-gallery$ sqlite3 gallery.db < migrations/01_initial.sql

Now you can run a local instance with stack:

$ stack run
Starting gallery at
Showing media from static/media/


The application accepts parameters from a config file and from the command line. See the builtin help for available parameters:

$ servant-photo-gallery --help

Roadmap to v1.0

  • OpenAPI specs
  • Remaining CRUD operations (delete and update posts)
  • Media caching and streaming upload/download of files
  • Handle proxies
  • More descriptive HTTP error responses
  • Add more logs and attach request ID and current user to them
  • Publish to hackage and dockerhub

Future Roadmap

  • Better configuration validation (htpasswd file, base URL)
  • Better configuration and startup error reporting in general
  • More than one media per POST
  • Other media types (Other image types, GIF/mp4)
  • Image resizing on upload and on download per requested size restrictions
  • Allow OAuth authentication
  • Improve auth token handling (remember me, persist and rotate secrets)
  • More fine-grained permissions
  • Database/filesystem integrity checks
  • Limits to prevent DoS: rate limits, file size limits
  • CLI tool for administrative tasks
  • Support for other databases and file storages