This solution is developed based on FlashGPT3[1] proposed by Microsoft. OpenAI API token is required to run the experiments. flashgpt3/cache/default.json and flashgpt3/cache/toi.json are cache files for queries and TOIs, respectively. Delete flashgpt3/cache/default.json to obtain new query results. Delete flashgpt3/cache/toi.json and set TOILearning = true to obtain new TOIs.

Run the experiments

The easiest way to get started is installing Visual Studio and loading the solution (TOI-FGPT.sln). All required dependencies can be easily installed through NuGet. Code was tested in a .NET 6.0 environment.

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[1] Gust Verbruggen, Vu Le, and Sumit Gulwani. 2021. Semantic programming by example with pre-trained models. Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 5, OOPSLA, Article 100 (October 2021), 25 pages.