
An API of one of the best shows that currently exists. Currently on production in railway.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Simpsons API


An API Rest from The Simpsons, you can get characters, episodes an locations. Made with NodeJs in framework Express.

You can interact with the API REST in the next link: https://simpsonsapi.up.railway.app/

🔨 Project functionalities

  • Funcionality 1: Get single/all characters, episodes and locations.
  • Funcionality 2: Create characters,episodes and locations(protected with jwt).
  • Funcionality 3: Delete characters, episodes and locations(protected with jwt).
  • Funcionality 3: Modify characters, episodes and locations(protected with jwt).
  • Funcionality 4: Create, modify and login with users(protected with jwt)..

ℹ️📄 Info and Pagination

The API will send all data unless you send mediaquerys. You can chain several queries in the same call. There is several mediaquerys working such as:


Key Type Description
Limit Int Number of objects you want for each page.
Offset Int Number of object you are pointing in
name String Name of the object you are looking for


Key Type Description
status string Status of the character Alive, Dead or Unknown
gender string Gender of the character you are looking for
occupation string Occupation of the character you are looking for
origin string Country of origin of the character


Key Type Description
type String Type of location school/church/house you are looking for
firstEpisode Int Number of episode where the location appeared for the first time


Key Type Description
season int Number of the season the episode is
episode int Number of the episode

🧔🙍 Characters

There is a total of 6 characters sorted by id.

Key Type Description
id Int The id of the character.
name string The name of the character.
status string The status of the character (Alive, Dead, Unknown).
occupation string The occupation of the character.
gender string The gender of the character.
origin string The country of origin of the character.
image URL An URL to an image of the character.
firstEpisodeId int The number of episode where the character first appeared.
createdAt Date Date where the character was added to the database.

Get all characters

You can access to the list of characters by using: https://simpsonsapi.up.railway.app/api/v1/characters endpoint.

Get single character

You can access to a single character by using their id in the endpoint. /characters/1 You can access to a single character where you can see extra info from them.

Key Description
firstEpisode An object with the name and url of the episode where the character debuted.
episodes A list of objects with the names and url to the episodes where the character appears.
locations A list ob objects with the names and url to the locations where the character has been.

Add episodes to all characters

You can add appeared episodes to a character by sending a POST to: https://simpsonsapi.up.railway.app/api/v1/characters/add-episode endpoint. You need to send the following information:

Key Description
characterId The id of the character you want to add episode to.
episodeId The id of the episode you want to add to a character.

Add locations to all characters

You can add appeared locations to a character by sending a POST to: https://simpsonsapi.up.railway.app/api/v1/characters/add-episode endpoint. You need to send the following information:

Key Description
characterId The id of the character you want to add location to.
locationId The id of the location you want to add to a character.

Create character

You can create a character sending a POST using the /characters endpoint. This is an schema of what you need to send in the petition.

Key Type Description
name string The name of the character.
status string The status of the character (Alive, Dead, Unknown).
occupation string The occupation of the character.
gender string The gender of the character.
origin string The country of origin of the character.
image URL An URL to an image of the character.
firstEpisodeId int The number of episode where the character first appeared.

This is protected with a JWT, so you need to send a bearer token.

Edit characters

You can edit an existing character sendig a PATCH using their id in the /characters/id endpoint. This is protected with a JWT, so you need to send a bearer token.

Delete character

You can delete a character by sending a DELETE using their id in the /characters/id endpoint. This is protected with a JWT, so you need to send a bearer token.

🟢🌀 Episodes

There is a total of 9 episodes sorted by id.

Key Type Description
id Int The id of the episode.
name string The name of the episode.
air date string Date when the episode first went to air.
season string The number of season the episode is.
episode string Number of episode in the season.
url string An url pointing to this particular episode.
createdAt Date Date where the episode was added to the database.

Get all episodes

You can access to the list of episodes by using: https://simpsonsapi.up.railway.app/api/v1/episodes endpoint.

Get single episode

You can access to a single episode by using their id in the endpoint. /episodes/1 You can access to a single episode where you can see extra info from them.

Key Description
characters An object with the name and url of the characters that appears in the episode.
debute characters A list of objects with the names and url of the caracters that debuted in this episode.
locations A list ob objects with the names and url to the locations where the episode take place.
debute locations A list of objects with the names and url to the locations that debuted in this episode.

Add location to all episodes

You can add appeared locations to an episode by sending a POST to: https://simpsonsapi.up.railway.app/api/v1/episodes/add-location You need to send the following information:

Key Description
locationId The id of the location you want to add to an episode.
episodeId The id of the episode you want to add a location.

🏟️🏛️ Locations

There is a total of 3 locations sorted by id.

Key Type Description
id Int The id of the location.
name string The name of the location.
type string Type of location it is (church,house,mall).
first episode string The id of the episode when the location debuted.
url string An url pointing to this particular location.
createdAt Date Date where the location was added to the database.

Get all locations

You can access to the list of locations by using: https://simpsonsapi.up.railway.app/api/v1/locations endpoint.

Get single location

You can access to a single location by using their id in the endpoint. /location/1 You can access to a single location where you can see extra info from them.

Key Description
episodes An object with the name and url of the episodes where the location appears.
characters A list of objects with the names and url of the caracters that appear in this location.
first_episode A list of objects with the names and url to the first episode the location appears.

⚠️✅ Login

You can access with a POST in: https://simpsonsapi.up.railway.app/api/v1/auth/login endpoint with an username and password. In this access you can obtain a JWT to send petitions to the create, delete, patch and post endpoint of characters, episodes and locations.

There is two types of 'users'

User Description
admin Permission to anything.
helper Permission to create and edit characters, episodes and locations.


  • If you create a character with a first eppisode id that doesn't exist the app crash! 🔴
  • Frontend page for login! 🔴
  • Add more characters, episodes and locations! 🔴 (Feel free to ask for a helper user to enrich the db).
  • Wagger library for documentation. 🔴