
Pyhton scripts that can change your Windows footprints and ID

Primary LanguagePython


Change Windows and hardware identifiers so that change system footprint.

You need to install Python 3.5.6 - https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-365/

!!!ATTENTION!!! When you install Python, make sure that you select "Custom" installation mode and check "Install for all users"

How to use:

Open batch file "START.bat" with Administrator privileges

List of changed identificators:

  • Username
  • Hostname
  • Current windows build
  • Current windows build number
  • Windows build lab
  • BuildLabEx
  • BuildGuid
  • CryptoMachineGuid
  • DeviceGuid
  • CKCL Guid
  • HardwareProfileGuid
  • WMIGuid
  • EDGE Guid
  • InstallDate
  • ProductID
  • WindowsUpdateClientID
  • IE ProductID
  • IE KBNumber
  • IE Install date
  • VolumeID
  • MACadress
  • HardwareGUID