
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Ascending Notes V.2

Hosted Site: Ascending Notes V.2

Getting Started ! 🎉

Step 1: Setting up Wasp:

For Mac/Linux:

Install Wasp by running this command in your terminal:

curl -sSL https://get.wasp-lang.dev/installer.sh | sh

For Windows:

For Windows, install wasp requires a bit more work.

First, you need to install a Windoes Subsystem for Linux(or WSL)

A WSL allows developers on Windows systems to run a fully functional and native GNU/Linux environment.

Check out this Wasp WSL Documentation for step-by-step information on how to install WSL on your Windows environment.

If you run into any issues, reach out in the Wasp Discord for help!

Step 2: Fork and Clone Repo

Fork Repo

Clone Repo

In your terminal, cd into a folder of your choice and run command

git clone https://github.com/<github-username>/<github-repo-name>.git

Step 3: Installing Dependencies

Open the cloned repo folder in your preferred IDE editor (We used [Visual Studio Code] (https://code.visualstudio.com/)!)

Open the terminal in your IDE editor and run these commands:

This command will take you to the app folder:

cd app

This command will install all the required dependencies for the application:

npm install

You have now install all the dependencies! Gratz 🎉

Step 4: Getting the App Running

Setting Up Database

In order to access the database you need to install Docker!

If you don't have Docker, you can install it here

After installing Docker, pleae follow the OpenSaas documentation on how to set up the database here

Starting App

Please follow the OpenSaas documentation for starting the app

Understaning the Note App

OpenSaaS Template Info


This template is:

  1. fully open-source
  2. completely free to use and distribute
  3. comes with a ton of features out of the box!
  4. focused on free, open-source services, where possible

🧑‍💻 Check it out in action here: OpenSaaS.sh
📚 Check out the Docs here: Open SaaS Docs

What's inside?

The template itself is built on top of some very powerful tools and frameworks, including:

  • 🐝 Wasp - a full-stack React, NodeJS, Prisma framework with superpowers
  • 🚀 Astro - Astro's lightweight "Starlight" template for documentation and blog
  • 💸 Stripe - for products and payments
  • 📈 Plausible or Google Analytics
  • 🤖 OpenAI - OpenAI API integrated into the app or Replicate (coming soon 👀)
  • 📦 AWS S3 - for file uploads
  • 📧 SendGrid, MailGun, or SMTP - for email sending
  • 💅 TailwindCSS - for styling
  • 🧑‍💼 TailAdmin - admin dashboard & components for TailwindCSS

Because we're using Wasp as the full-stack framework, we can leverage a lot of its features to build our SaaS in record time, including:

  • 🔐 Full-stack Authentication - Email verified + social Auth in a few lines of code.
  • End-to-end Type Safety - Type your backend functions and get inferred types on the front-end automatically, without the need to install or configure any third-party libraries. Oh, and type-safe Links, too!
  • 🤖 Jobs - Run cron jobs in the background or set up queues simply by defining a function in the config file.
  • 🚀 One-command Deploy - Easily deploy via the CLI to Fly.io, or to other providers like Railway and Netlify.

You also get access to Wasp's diverse, helpful community if you get stuck or need help.

Note that we've tried to get as many of the core features of a SaaS app into this template as possible, but there still might be some missing features or functionality.

We could always use some help tying up loose ends, so consider contributing!