Coin Toss Game

Coin Toss Site Gif

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Welcome to my Coin Toss Game project. This simple web application uses the fs (File System) and http modules in Node.js. The application creates an HTTP server and reads an HTML file that includes a vanilla ES6 JavaScript script. The game challenges you to guess the outcome of a coin flip.

How It's Made

Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js (fs and http modules)

In this project, I built a coin flip guessing game using Node.js's http module to create a server and the fs module to read an HTML file. The game is embedded in the HTML file with a vanilla ES6 JavaScript script.

The game works by allowing users to guess the outcome of a coin flip (heads or tails). After making a selection, the application generates a random coin flip result and checks if the user's guess is correct. The result is then displayed to the user. The game is a simple and fun exercise in interactive web development.

Optimizations (optional)

While this project is relatively straightforward, I focused on delivering an efficient and engaging user experience. I ensured that the code was well-structured and optimized for performance. I also considered making the application responsive and user-friendly, which resulted in a smoother interaction for players.

Lessons Learned

Building this Coin Flip Guessing Game was a valuable learning experience. It reinforced the importance of continuously expanding my skill set and seeking new challenges. I encountered moments of excitement as I implemented various game logic components, from user input to randomization and result presentation.

No matter the experience level, being an engineer means constantly learning and growing. This project served as a reminder of the joy of building interactive applications and the satisfaction of creating something entertaining and functional.