Vongola Memory Card Game

Vongola Memory Game Gif


Welcome to my Vongola Memory Quest game. This game challenges your memory and concentration as you match pairs of cards of the Vongola members. Your goal is to flip over two cards at a time and check if they are a match. If they match, they remain face up; otherwise, they flip back over. The game is completed when all cards are matched and face up.

How It's Made

Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

In this project, I developed a 10-card memory game using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The game board consists of 10 cards, and the objective is to match all the pairs by flipping over two cards at a time. The game logic is implemented in JavaScript, which allows users to select and flip cards. When two cards are flipped, the game checks if they match. If they do, the cards remain face up; if not, they flip back over. The game continues until all card pairs are successfully matched and face up.

I designed the game board and card layout using HTML and styled it with CSS to create an engaging and visually appealing user interface. The game's functionality and logic are implemented in JavaScript, which handles card flipping, matching, and game completion.

This project is a great example of my front-end development skills and my ability to create an interactive and enjoyable web-based game.


Throughout the development of this project, I focused on delivering a smooth and efficient gaming experience. I continuously refined and improved the code to enhance performance and user interaction. I optimized code snippets, making the game responsive and ensuring it runs efficiently in various browsers and devices. These optimizations allowed for a more enjoyable user experience.

Lessons Learned

Developing this Memory Card Game was an enlightening experience. It reinforced the idea that being an engineer means constantly learning and growing. I encountered challenges and had moments of excitement when implementing new features and functionality. This project taught me the significance of user experience in web development and the satisfaction of creating an interactive and entertaining game.