Android project to experiment the VIPER approach.
- Tend toward the VIPER approach
- Make it easier to test the application
- Simplify the set up of asynchronous job with RxJava
- mosby to set up the "V" and "P" of the VIPER approach
- dagger2 to set up the dependency injection system
- Rx.Observe to ease the set up of asynchronous job, transforming Interactor's methods to Rx methods
- DaggerMock to mock dagger2 objects
- mockito as a mocking framework
- use of bluelinelabs' Conductor library to build View-based application:
- to manage the "V" of the VIPER approach
- to provide the "R" of the VIPER approach (via the
- set up the "E" of the VIPER approach
- use of a ContentProvider
- a combination of ProviGen and AutoCursor could be relevant
- use of an ORM
- use of a ContentProvider
- use of EasyFlow to manage screen's states (cf. AndroidModularSample)
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