
My proposal of twelve factors that improve the build of modern mobile applications.

The Twelve-Factor Mobile App

My proposal of twelve factors that improve the build of modern mobile applications. Moreover, I found the ios-factor and here is the way I revisit it, with a focus on Android applications.

The Twelve Factors

1. Support the widest range of devices

  • OS version (backward API compatibility).
  • Screen size.
  • Device family.
  • Don't assume that the user has the latest smartphone with the widest screen and the most powerful processor.

2. Adapt the UX to the target OS standards

  • Follow editors guidelines.

3. Maximise the use of native components

  • UI/UX widgets to build UI.
  • SDK core components to build the logical layers.

4. Build a smooth UI

  • Never block the UI and run big computation in background.
  • Keep the user informed and notify him about the current status.
  • Reuse cells in list.
  • Deal with configurations changes and interruptions (phone call).
  • Prepopulate forms as much as possible.

5. Use local cache as single source of truth

  • So your application can work even without network (and access to the backend), cache remote data into local storage (into the embedded SQLite database).
  • Build a consistent offline mode with data synchronization (compare delta to get the freshest data).

6. Be careful of components lifecycle

  • Dispose I/O jobs.
  • Free memory.

7. Exploit the applications ecosystem and be ready to expose yours if needed

  • Call external applications through intents or deep linking.
  • If required, expose your non-sensitive data using content provider and expose logic via intent filters and deep linking.

8. Ask permissions clearly

  • Explain why and what you have to ask it, to keep user trusting you.

9. Minimize binary size

  • Minimize the use of 3rd-party libraries to reduce the binary size.

10. Secure everything

  • Encrypt database.
  • Store user preferences with encryption.
  • Secure API communication.
  • Obfuscate the source code.

11. Be production-ready

  • Be able to deploy from any machine.
  • Think to embed a verbose crash reporter, so that you can be aware of errors that occurred while using your application.
  • Disable logging.
  • Keep signing elements safe (certificates, keys) for later updates.

12. Upgrade/downgrade database wisely

  • Use database version.
  • Alter table to add/removes columns.
  • Use logical default values.

Also worth considering

  • Take care of battery life.
  • Minimize network footprint and data consumption.

Also worth reading
