SoundSwitcher is a class to implement a two state sensor reacting on sound levels. The sound volume is measured by an I2S micophone (SPH0645LM4 or INMP441) The state toggles when a changeable arbitrary soundvolume level is exceeded A changeable hysteresis is accomplished
Constructor: has two parameter, a configuaration struct and the used microphone type
Initialization: .begin method with 4 parameters (has to be called in setup()) * switchThreshold * hysteresis * updateIntervalMs * delayTimeMs
The first two parameters need not be explained.
updateIntervalMs : a time interval in ms. Only when the time interval has expired a new sound level average is calculated
delayTimeMs: this delay time is introduced for reading the analog soundlevel after the threshold is exceeded. This parameter determins after which timeinterval the analog value is sampled (to read not just at the very beginning of the new state)
soundSwitcher.SetActive() : Has to be called right after the soundSwitcher.begin function
soundSwitcher.SetCalibrationParams() : Is optional, determins an offset and a factor
soundSwitcher.feed() : This function is called frequently from the loop() of the main program It returns a struct Feedresponse. After the feed command, Feedresponse.isValid has to be checked If .isValid is true, Feedresponse.hasToggled is checked If .hasToggled is true, your reaction on the change of the state has to be performed