Some Projects made on PlatformIO
Testing Pololu Reflectance Sensor on Feather M0. Trying to get "On" and "Off" states from the reflectance readings (floating threshold)
Simple Blinky App with Settings for Debugging with Segger J-Link Emulator
Reading Voltage from SDM530MT Smartmeter via Modbus - Feather M0 Board - (Debugging with Segger J-Link Emulator)
Reading Power and Work from SDM530MT Smartmeter via Modbus - Feather M0 Board - (Debugging with Segger J-Link Emulator) Using a dedicated Class to read two Input Registers (as needed by the Smartmeter). More easily understandable as the version above
Reads data (Current, Power, Work) from a Eastron SDM530-MT Smartmeter and the On/Off state of a pump and transmits these data via Rfm69 radio transmission to an Internet Gateway (GHI FEZ Spider Board) which stores the data in the Cloud (Azure Storage Tables)
App for MoteinoRfm69 board or Arduino pro mini. Reads analog values from three inputs, transforms voltage values to temperature values and sends values via radio transmission to an Internet Gateway (GHI FEZ Spider Board)
Working example to program on PlatformIO for the BrainPad BP2 using SWD-Debugging with Segger J-Link Edu. Uses the Multicolor LED of the BrainPad and one of the Buttons. More features of the BrainPad are actually not explored.
Example shows and explains how I got debugging with JLink on Seeed Wio Terminal working. There were some hacks needed to get it working
This is the example 'Reading Github Repositoy Stats from Wio Terminal' by Seeed Studio with minor modifications. It shows how to access internet resource via https protocol.
Shows secure (https) GET request using the arduino-esp32 HTTPClient (Origninally posted for esp32 devices: )
Shows how to transfere sensor data to Azure Storage Tables. App running on the Wio Terminal developed on PlatformIO using Arduino Code, Microsoft Azure C SDK and espressif arduino-esp32 HTTPClient. This is still work in progress, creating tables and inserting Entities is already working.
Modified example from Seeed: Getting Data from GitHub. This example uses the new Seeed eRPCWiFi library
This is a modification of the Seeed NTP example. (rpcWiFi library)
This is a modification of for Wio Terminal and PlatformIo
For personal use. Same examples for allocating and check for memory leaks in C/C++
Uploud Temperature/Humidity data from Wio terminal to the Cloud and display on SinricPro APP.
Example for Wio Terminal: Shows how to read all sensores of M5Stack ENV II Hat (temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure and magnetic field)
Example for Wio Terminal:
Display sound level on a linechart Example from the Seeed WiKi: