
Example of Amazon Alexa's skill

Primary LanguageJavaScript

There is draft example of Amazon Alexa's skill

Code not for production stage (refactoring required) :-) Just attempt to show basic interaction with Alexa


Accounting for playing time for each player


Each player is named color (up to 8 players). The task of the skill is to take into account how much time the players have spent in total on their moves.

Algorithm (very rough)

0. Init

Prepare state (saved in handlerInput.attributesManager.getSessionAttributes() )

1. Prepare
side intent slots description
user > ClockLaunch Launch game clock
< alexa ask amount of players, max = 8
user > {playersAmount} tell players amount
< alexa ask color for each player
user > {playerColor} tell gemer's color
< ...
... >
< alexa ok, start the game
2. Game
side intent slots description
user > PlayerSwitch trannsition to another player
< alexa 'plays {playerColor}'
... >
< ...
... >
user > PlayersPause {playerColor} from state pause game time counter for this player step
< alexa ok, ask me to continue when will be ready
user > PlayerContinue {playerColor} from state resume game time counter for this player step
< alexa {playerColor} continue the game
< ...
... >
user > PlayerFinish player finish game
< alexa 'congragulation player {playerColor}, next player'
... >
< ...
user > PlayerFinish {playerColor} when last player finish game
< alexa ok, total time {totalTime}, players time is ... (ASC)
< alexa repeat results? restart game? exit?
3. Close
side intent slots description
user > Result get stats
user > Relaunch start new game
user > AMAZON.StopIntent close skill
< alexa bye, see you next time
  1. Open your Alexa Developer Console
  2. Choose JSON Editor (look up in sidebar) > copy content of interactionModel.json and paste it here > Save Model > Build Model
  3. Endpoint > check AWS Lambda ARN > save
  4. Choose Code tab (in top bar) > copy contents of lambda/ directory to Skill Code/lambda > Save > Deploy
  5. Open Test tab > test interaction (you can find neccessary phrases for each intent in interactionModel.json samples)