Htwg TankCommander Project
This is a seed project to create a basic scala project as used in the class Software Engineering at the University of Applied Science HTWG Konstanz.
It requires Java 8 on your local platform. The project has
- a folder structure prepared for a MVC-style application
- ScalaTest and as dependency aswell as dependencies to other libraries in the build.sbt (commented out at start).
- scalastyle-sbt-plugin and sbt-scoverage sbt plugins
- .gitignore defaults
Commands to play
- Start: Start the game
- Exit: Leave the Application
- up,down,right,left: Move your Tank accordingly
- shoot: shoot the enemy's tank
- end turn: End your turn
- undo: undo your last command
- redo: redo your last command
- save: save the current state of the game
- load: load the game from a file