
Simple BASH script to change directory to Windows user directory

Primary LanguageShell

Script to change WSL user directory to Windows user directory


WSL directory can be accessed in Windows Explorer from C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\Packages\CanonicalGroupLimited.UbuntuonWindows_mayberandomvalues\LocalState\rootfs. While it is accesible, it is a hassle to work in that directory (imagine working with Git in that directory and you need to copy/paste many stuff at once). Being lazy, we can just work at our own Windows directory using WSL Shell.

Where is my user directory then?

Same as Windows directory, such that /mnt/c/Users/yourname. Windows drives are located at /mnt, labelled alphabetically with lowercase. Say, C: is /mnt/c.

Neat, now I need a simple script to make stuff easier

Have a look at the code or clone it. It's pretty simple.

To run the code, use . wsldir.sh instead of ./wsldir.sh

That said, happy working with WSL!