
aws terraform module to delete unattached elastic IPs

Primary LanguageGo

Lambda Preventers

The script schedules the review of any eips that are unattached 


module "aws_tf_eip_cleaner" { source = "/aws_tf_eip_cleaner" }

Optional Inputs

Name Description Type Default Required
eip_cleanup_cron Rate expression for when to run the review of eips string "cron(0 7 ? * MON-FRI *)" no
function_prefix Prefix for the name of the lambda created string "" no


Configure your AWS credentials using one of the supported methods for AWS CLI tools, such as setting the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables. If you're using the ~/.aws/config file for profiles then export AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG as "True".

  1. Install Terraform and make sure it's on your PATH.
  2. Install Golang and make sure this code is checked out into your GOPATH. cd test go mod init github.com/sg/sch go test -v -run TestTerraformAws