Member Account CUR

This is a tool to help with AWS billing and reporting.

The goal for this deployment is to start collecting your Cost and Uage report from AWS in a format for Athena to read.

This stems from the AWS supplied cloud formation but running this script means there is no manual procces

CUR proccess:

  • A terraform to create s3 for billing to go into
  • Athana database
  • Glue crawler to keep tabel up-to-date



  1. Make sure you're running the right version of Terraform locally - see the Notes section below. You can use 'asdf' to manage differt versions of Terraform. See here for more information:

  2. Make sure you're running the right version of Python locally - See the Notes section below. Again you can use 'asdf' to control this.

  3. Make sure that your AWS default region is set correctly. The region specified in your penny profile should match that in your local $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable.

  4. Make sure the IAM policy you're using covers access to all the AWS services that you're using. If you've coded up some Terraform for a new AWS service then the policy will need to change. See "iam.json" for the policy definition.

Set up

  1. Clone this repo to a location on your laptop
git clone
  1. Install terraform Terraform – Getting Started – Install Terraform on Windows, Linux and Mac OS | Vasos Koupparis
brew install terraform
  1. Install AWS cli

Installing the AWS CLI - AWS Command Line Interface

pip3 install awscli --upgrade --user
  1. Create an AWS IAM User This needs to be in your billing account. It will need with programtic access with the administrator policy. See AWS instructions here Creating Your First IAM Admin User and Group - AWS Identity and Access Management

Create using the policy in the iam.json file

Copy the Access and Secret key to your machine

  1. Setup your aws profile
$ aws configure --profile penny
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
Default region name [None]: eu-west-1
Default output format [None]: json
  1. Create s3 Replace the account number with your billing account number
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket cost-penny-bucket--*account-number* --region eu-west-1 --profile penny  --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=eu-west-1
  1. Update the Terraform files Go to the AWS Terraform folder Open '' and replace the account number with your account number.

  2. Deploy Terraform

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
  1. Run setup lambda
aws lambda invoke --function-name lambda_cur out --log-type Tail --profile penny

Now you have setup your access, deployed your terraform and triggered your lambda function you are all setup.

The first Cost and Usage report takes 24hr to appear in your s3 bucket so set your timer and look out for your athena tabel.

Once the 24hrs is comeplete you should have an Athena Database with your aws billing data in it.


After you have data in the anthea table you can put it in AWS Quicksight


  • Terraform v0.11.13
  • Python 3.6.5