Who Kicks Now? - a World of Warcraft (1.12.1) AddOn =================================================== Installation: Put "WhoKicksNow" folder into ".../World of Warcraft/Interface/AddOns/". Create AddOns folder if necessary After Installation directory tree should look like the following ''' World of Warcraft `- Interface `- AddOns `- WhoKicksNow |- README |- WhoKicksNow.lua |- WhoKicksNow.toc `- textures |- padlock.psd |- padlock-disabled.blp |- padlock-highlight.blp |- padlock-locked.blp |- padlock-locked-disabled.blp |- padlock-locked-highlight.blp |- padlock-locked-pushed.blp |- padlock-open.blp `- padlock-pushed.blp ''' Features: - Displays cooldowns for Kick and Gouge abilities for everyone from your group who is near. - Displays cooldowns for Cheap Shot and Kidney Shot abilities for everyone from your group who has this AddOn installed and running. Commands: - "/wk", "/whokicksnow" (alias) - enables or disables the AddOn - "/wk reset" - resets interface to default - "/wk update" - shows dialog box with link to latest release (only if your version is outdated) - "/wk debug" - wizzardy things, they will spam your chat window Known Issues: - Doesn't make Thistle Tea, unfortunetly. Thanks to: - Deko and Barebones with live testing on Kronos