
realtime 3D pose estimation for wild videos, embed 2d keypoints detector like hrnet alphapose and openpose

Primary LanguagePython

envrionment configture

I use torch1.0.1 in conda conda env create -f env_info_file.yml


python demo.py

指定输入视频(input_video)   --viz-video
指定输入视频(the keypoints of input_video)  --input-npz
指定输出视频名称(the name of output video) --viz-output
指定输出的帧数(the frame number of output video)  --viz-limit

RealTime WebCam Demo


handle video by hrnet

updata at 2019-04-17

cd joints_detectors/hrnet/lib/
cd -
python tools/hrnet_realtime.py -video /path/to/video.mp4

add hrnet 2D keypoints detection module, to realize the end to end 3D reconstruction 添加hrnet 2D关键点检测模块,实现更高精读的3D video 重构 hrnet

handle video by alphapose

python tools/alphapose_video.py --viz-output output.mp4 --viz-video /path/to/video.mp4 or python tools/aphapose_video.py --viz-output output.gif --viz-video /path/to/video.mp4 --viz-limit 180 need download model

handle video with every frame keypoints

python tools/wild_video.py --viz-output output.mp4 --viz-video /path/to/video.mp4 --input-npz /path/to/input_name.npz


  • add FPN-DCN huamn detector for hrnet to realize better accuracy.

相关模型下载reletive model download

其中hrnet依赖的pose model address: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nzM_OBV9LbAEA7HClC0chEyf_7ECDXYA) yolov3 model download: wget https://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov3.weights

videopose model address: https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/video-pose-3d/cpn-pt-243.bin

paper traslation 论文翻译


commen problems

  1. model download and save location


load pose model in joints_detectors/hrnet/models/pytorch/pose_coco/ load yolov3 in joints_detectors/hrnet/lib/detector/yolo/


load yolov3 in joints_detectors/Alphapose/models/yolo/ load duc_se joints_detectors/Alphapose/models/sppe/


for videopose model: https://github.com/lxy5513/videopose/blob/master/common/arguments.py#L29 checkpoint/