
Everybody open the file named after their github login.

Read the instructions carefully please :).

Every instruction should be one commit (this time).

  • so your first commit would just be deleting a line
  • and your second commit would change the other line
  • and so on :)

After you're done there..

  1. Create a PR.

  2. You should have a PR with 8 commits, not on your master branch - if not, try again :).

  3. tell us - wait for a conflict

  4. update your branch & resolve conflicts

  5. reorder commits so that food-related commits are together

  6. squash food-related commits into one

  7. delete commit with your favorite color

  8. rename commit with your favorite season to something in UPERCASE

  9. edit commit with your favority city so it's Helsinki

  10. when done mention one of instructors in a comment (if you are the first one to do everything correctly you will get a GitHub code for free t-shirt via Gitter)

Everyone gets a sticker :octocat:

What to do when you mess up: http://ohshitgit.com/